joni - international

Making Period Equity Possible

Period Blood

Shifting the power — your impact.

With millions of Canadians and Americans who menstruate going without period care each month, we knew the status quo wasn't working so we created a new model that places the power back into your hands.

With each product purchased, you help make period equity possible. 
With each conversation you have about menstruation, you help to erase shame and stigma.

5% for period equity model.

joni works with grassroots organizations, as well as NGOs like the United Way, to distribute donated period products to communities and people in need. Since our launch on March 12, 2020, we have donated over 101,000 pads — that's equivalent to supporting over 12,000 periods or thousands of people who would normally struggle to find period care each month. That's the power of a social enterprise! 

In addition to product donations, our 5% for Period Equity model also funds educational programs and research initiatives specifically focused on period inequity in our communities to make a greater impact.

Fair pricing for all.

Did you know that people in remote communities may pay $30+ for a box of pads or often go without when supplies aren't available? We make organic period care accessible to all regardless of location through our $5 flat-rate shipping (or free for orders $15+). This allows someone in a smaller remote community to have the same access as someone living in a city.

Transparency with ingredients.

We believe that period care should always provide ingredient disclosure — all of our ingredients are disclosed so you can make an informed decision. All joni period care products say no to chemicals, fragrances and toxic ingredients that aren't good for our bodies. We say yes to sustainable materials and processes that follow strict certifications like FSC, OEKO-TEK, and BPI. 

Ditch the stereotypes.

The antiquated term "feminine hygiene" developed in the 19th century has got to go. We feel the same way about hyper-feminine stereotypical branding and images of women running through fields of flowers in white pants. We know better — gender and periods are separate. People menstruate. So we focus on empowering people who menstruate. 

When you choose joni, you get organic products that work and 
you play a role in making period equity possible. It's that simple. 

  What Would You Choose  


Over 40% of people who menstruate in the United States and Canada has experienced period poverty through the lack of access to safe period care. Together, we can achieve period equity.