joni organic period care liners with a rainbow symbolizing inclusive periods

Period Proud: Embracing Inclusivity in the Workplace

Posted by Team joni on

Here a rainbow, there a rainbow, everywhere a rainbow. And we love to see it! 


As Pride Month unfolds, many organizations are celebrating their solidarity by adorning their spaces with rainbows to signal their support and highlight a commitment to inclusivity. 


However, true inclusivity goes hand in hand with meaningful actions and initiatives that foster a genuinely supportive and equitable environment. At joni, inclusivity is integral to our mission of period equity.


In December 2023, Canada took a significant step towards inclusivity and equity by updating its labour code regulations. This new regulation mandates that all federally regulated organizations must provide period care in every washroom, like toilet paper. 


This initiative underscores the importance of period equity and aligns with broader efforts to achieve gender equity in the workplace.


Period Care in All Washrooms: A Step Towards True Inclusivity

Why should period care be available in all washrooms, regardless of gender designation? One word: inclusivity. Not everyone who menstruates identifies as a woman, and ensuring that period care products are accessible in all washrooms respects and acknowledges the diversity of gender identities.


This simple measure helps create a supportive environment for all employees, fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity.

period care dispenser on the wall of an office washroom


The Business Case for Inclusivity

Inclusivity isn't just a moral good—it's also good for business. 


Studies show that a diverse workforce:

  • Drives innovation
  • Enhances decision-making
  • Improves financial performance. 


For instance, a report by McKinsey & Company found that companies with greater gender diversity were 25% more likely to have above-average profitability. 


Similarly, companies with ethnic and cultural diversity outperformed their peers by 36% in profitability.


Moreover, providing period care products at work can significantly reduce absenteeism. When employees have access to the necessary period care products, they are less likely to miss work due to menstrual-related issues. This not only supports individual well-being but also boosts overall productivity and morale within the organization.


Inclusivity at joni

At joni, inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do. 


We believe that everyone deserves access to the care and support they need, especially when it comes to period care. 

Four menstruators from diverse indenties stand in a line in their underwear


By offering turnkey period care solutions—complete with dispensers and high-quality products— we’re committed to helping other organizations foster inclusive and supportive environments.


Inclusivity is about more than just meeting regulatory requirements; it's about creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. It's about recognizing and addressing the unique needs of all employees and ensuring that everyone has the resources they need to succeed.


Period Proud

As we celebrate Pride and reflect on the importance of inclusivity, let's commit to taking meaningful actions that go beyond symbolic gestures.

Together, we can make a difference—one washroom at a time.